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Single Review: Memento Mori by Crywank

Crywank - Memento Mori
Self Released 
Stream "Memento Mori"  

by Kelly Doherty

To go into a Crywank song without expecting earth shattering sadness, is a little bit naive. Two albums and a collection of demos in, it's clear that Crywank aka James Clayton, isn't going to turn into a posi-core project any time soon. Yet despite this, I hit the play button on Crywank's new song "Memento Mori" without so much as preparing a box of tissue or bracing myself. So, here's a warning, get ready to get sad. 

From the opening lyric of "everyone I love is gonna die and I will die as well", "Memento Mori" is a rawly emotional song from the point of view of the everyman. Quietly questioning coming to terms with mortality, Crywank manages to, yet again, capture the private late night thoughts of an insomniac and play them out on record. Whilst his introspection entirely lacks subtlety, its bluntness makes for a painfully easy to relate to track. His lyrics are typical of what we've come to expect, however, this time around, he's a little less clumsy and somewhat more professional. Lines like "Oh, I want to be a baby again, oh, I want pure thoughts in my head" and "I want to find peace of mind, maybe no mind is the answer to that conundrum" are both memorable and incredibly real. If there was ever a doubt about it, Clayton remains one of the strongest lyricists of the Bandcamp age. 

Apart from the crushing sadness, "Memento Mori" is striking in many aspects. Whilst the track maintains the lo-fi, intimate vibes of before, there's a sense of development. The acoustic guitar is that bit more accurate, reverb has a place and the subtle drumming adds a needed extra dimension to the sad boy in his bedroom sound. If "Mement Mori" is an accurate representation of the upcoming album, Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everyday Is Stupid, it may be the time that Crywank manages to step out of the shadows and into the ears of a much bigger market. Yet again, Crywank has struck gold and "Memento Mori" is among the best tracks of the year so far. Make sure you have a listen. Just don't blame me when your computer breaks from tear-related water damage. 


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