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McCafferty Split Up

Sadly, Ohio folk/pop/punkers McCafferty have decided to split up. Read their statement below.

Dear Everyone, I'm sorry.

It is with great sadness and excitement that I inform you all that McCafferty is coming to an end. I am going to be starting to teach soon, and I am required to get a background check, and I don't believe that McCafferty is a professional, respectful representation of myself as a newly trained teacher entering the field of Special Education. Music will always have a place in my heart, but my true passion is teaching. I am leaving the scene of DIY antics to follow my pursuit into adulthood, and I am so happy to have shared my bands music with you all. We truly are the essence of a real DIY band. We came into the scene as a dying star that was doomed to go out in the near future, and that time is now. I have already deleted our twitter/other social media websites but I feel that you all deserve an explanation of what is happening. To all the kids who listened to us and made me so inspired to write I will always be grateful to you all. I am going to keep this Facebook page open for anybody who wants to order our now super rare vinyl. Please take a moment and order these to always remember what we've accomplished because of you all. Each vinyl is a little piece of the memories and inspiration you all have given us, and all proceeds go towards Monkey Boy Records. I never entered the music industry to become famous or successful. I entered it to change some kids life who is just like me with lyrics and stories that they could relate to. I hope you all have enjoyed our music, and I plan on releasing something in the near future as a final goodbye. Just remember, I wrote all of my songs for the friends that I've made. And the ones that I lost...

I want to thank my dad for convincing me to make a band with my friends and show that I was actually capable of something, and for Evan Chris and Wes for all the stuff we have done. Keep an eye out for a release by us in a couple months because im sure it will happen. But if not... order "BeachBoy" on vinyl and support an amazing new record label, and also to have a little piece of the DIY scene forever"


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