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Interview: Nick Stutsman (Park Jefferson) (August 22, 2013)

Hi Nick!
Hey Kelly! Thanks for taking the time to do this interview!

What are you up to at the moment?
Well, I woke up really early for some reason and have been lurking the internet all morning. Park Jefferson just released a record at midnight and the response has been kind of overwhelming.

How did the new record come about?
Well, for like two years there had been talk of us doing it. We broke up but there was always the possibility of it happening. I went to school for recording and when I came back I figured we should just do it and put it out just to say that it happened.

What's changed about PJ's members since the break up?

I guess the biggest "change" is that we're still not a band. There's not any permanent members and we're not planning on doing anything else in the future except perhaps some shows here and there. Everyone's gone off to college or doing other things and so there's not a set lineup or any plans to do anything past this.
It's just something that needed to get done and put out there.

Did the fact that you were broken up make the process behind the record feel strange?
Not really? The whole thing is just rerecorded songs. Even the "new" ones are songs that we've had for a long time that a lot of people either hadn't heard yet or had heard really crappy demos of from like 2010. So there wasn't any sitting down and writing new stuff or anything like that. Also even though we're broken up, we're still all (mostly) good friends.

What's the album about? Is there any particular lyrical themes?
Nothing is new on it, so I can't say that it's about anything particularly. It actually felt weird for me when I was recording the vocals, because none of the lyrics really apply to me anymore. Also singing whiny like that isn't exactly my style so it was just odd doing something that I don't really feel too strongly about. The album wasn't made to get any more popular as a band, or to tour on, or to get "new fans", or to have anyone judge it. It is literally only for people that have been waiting for it and that have been wanting it. Although I am pretty happy with the way it turned out, it's not exactly something I would write and put out if we were to sit down and write today.

Do you have shows planned for the release?

We have a show September 8th in Columbus, Ohio..but that's all that's planned for right now. We might do some shows here or there, or maybe plan a little tour (don't hold me to that), but as of right now nothing is set in stone.

The record has only been up for 11 hours now and the bandcamp stats are a little ridiculous. Makes me wish we DID have shows and stuff set up. People are way too nice.

Would success for the record make the band reconsider getting back together?
To be completely This is just a thing that needed to happen. If people like it and it's "successful", then I am really glad we got it done and put out. But like I said, it wasn't intended to be something that brings us all back together and makes us a band again or anything. It was just for people that have been waiting on it.

What has each member of PJ gone on to do?
Mike Mellen is in a sick band called Resist the Undertow and got to play Warped tour this year, so that's rad. Scott is going to college. Kyle is in Tennessee living life. Ozzy is also in college. Dave is being Dave and doing what Dave does. I'm starting college in a few days too, and starting a job pretty soon here. We're all just being old men.

Is this the last of PJ's material?
I'm thinking so. I guess saying that we're "broken up" is stupid because you'll probably see us playing some shows and stuff, but just because it's fun to do every once in a while. But yeah this will probably be the last thing we record as a band.

Any final words?
Just that I hope people like it and if they don't, that's fine. It wasn't for the people that don't like PJ, it was for the people that wanted this. I can't make that any more clear. Also it's free. Also Billy from Too Far Gone Records is going to put it out fairly soon as a physical release but I'm not really going to have anything to do with it, so questions about that will have to be directed to him. ALSO thanks Kelly for always being rad and wanting to talk! You're the best!

No problem! Thanks Nick!


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