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Interview: Johnny Edwards (July 15, 2013)

Hi there!

Who is Johnny Edwards and what's the story so far?
Johnny Edwards is a 4-piece emo band (currently 3 because we're missing a bassist) in Golden, CO. We like to play shows with cool bands. We currently have put out a demo and 2 splits via No Direction Records(my bud Evan's label) and Too Far Gone Records(my other bud Billy's label) with plans to put out more this summer.
We also like to party.

How did you come together?
When I was in 9th grade I met Nick Caddigan, our drummer. I played bass at the time. We both wanted to start a band and it was a mutual thing (but he always says it was him who started it and I let him now because he bought me pizza or something). At the time we wanted to play the worst music, like, I laugh about it now because we thought we were so cool for liking breakdowns and whatnot. And I dunno you couldn't really blame us when the CO music scene was heavy metalcore and we were young and stupid. But after like 420 years of not really trying, we sat down and made something happen. So about a year ago (I think?) we started Johnny Edwards. It was pretty much because we played with Empire! Empire! and we realized what we did was horrible and that they had a sound similar to what we wanted. I dunno, that all probably sounds pretty lame haha

How would you describe your sound to anyone who's unacquainted with it?
Depends. If it's someone who knows more so about underground/hip music. I can usually say we sound like E! E! or CSTVT. But if it's someone that doesn't really know emo music, I just say "Kiiiiiiinda a little bit like Death Cab For Cutie and kiiiiiiinda a little bit like Modest Mouse."

What was the inspiration behind your songs on the split with Byrgeau Noil?
Both songs are about girls, as lame as that sounds hahah. Oreo King was written by our other singer Ibrahim Flynn, so i can't tell you exactly what it's about. And The Continual Condition was about a friend who just pretty much became super depressed about his love interest and I told him I'd write him a song about it to help him feel better. That was like 2 years ago. I finally did but I'm not sure if he knows it's about that. Lyrics aside, I was really wanting to experiment with new tunings, and these songs are the end result of that.

What releases do you have planned?
Right now we're writing for a split with P.S. 118 and Medicine Bow. And after that we're going to be writing an EP which will be put out on a few different labels.

How do you decide what bands to release a split with?
Well with the Poor Sport and Byrgeau split, it was because we're close friends with each band. With the Medicine Bow/P.S. 118 split it was similar, but we also were more asking around for a split rather than it just happening naturally. But as long as they're cool bands and nice guys we're always more than happy to do a split with them

How do you approach writing music?
Usually, I write a rough version of the song, and then I take it to the rest of the band and we pretty much just jam until it works. And then during the recording process we finally focus on lyrics and singing patterns haha. With our newer stuff we're making it more of a group effort. Taking individual parts and transitions more so into account.

              What's your favourite song that you've written
Krenko, Mob Boss hands down for me. MTG reference, cool Empire! Empire! style riff, sad  lyrics about dad issues, perfect recording quality. It rules. It's the only song of ours I'll listen to.  Everyone else in the band thinks our songs on the Byrgeau split are the best though haha

Awesome! What're your plans for the rest of the year?
We have a few shows with cool bands, tonight we 're playing with William Bonney, and August 13th we're playing with Brave Bird which I'm super excited about. We also have the Medicine Bow/P.S. 118 split which I'm very happy about. After that, we're gonna take a break to write our EP, which we want to be on a 7". I'm very excited about that.

What would be your dream line up?
Modest Mouse, Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate), Snowing, Fall Out Boy(if they promised to play all of Take This To Your Grave), Polar Bear Club.
It'd be so fun.

Why are you called Johnny Edwards?
The Grown Ups song, Johnny Edwards haha. We suck with band names.

Ahh, fair enough. If Johnny Edwards was a superhero, who would it be?
Aquaman because we suck hahaha.

Final words?
Go like No Direction Records and Too Far Gone Records! Like us too if you want. Mainly them though. Fight the swamp monsters, level up, BPC


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