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Interview: Falling Still (March 29, 2013)

Hi there Falling Still! Who is Falling Still and how did you get together?
Falling Still is three crazy people from Akron, Ohio. We all grew up together, sharing an     insatiable lust for rocking and rolling, which eventually led us to Los Angeles, where we                  currently live, work, and play.

How would you describe Falling Still's sound for the unacquainted? 
 It's a loud, sweaty, bluesy, grungy, psychedelic mix of sounds and emotions.

What are you guys up to at the moment? 
Pushing on! We've realized that we can essentially write, record, and release new material instantaneously, which is a beautiful thing. So we're just going to keep at it. We'll also be playing tons of shows in the LA area.

Well done on the self titled EP! How has the reaction been to the record so far? 
People seem to dig it. We tend to get a lot more of a reaction from our live show, than we do the EP. But the songs do great live, and people seem to be into them and remember them, which is all you can ask for.

What was the process behind the EP? How do you guys approach crafting a song? 
It's a group process. We all know our roles well, and we work like a machine. It's liberating, being able to fully focus on a certain aspect of a song and knowing the other pieces of the puzzle are shaping up just as nicely.

What lyrical themes would you say live within the record? Are the songs written from a personal point of view? 
The lyrics deal mostly with various lives, centered within the city of LA. All songs come from our very exaggerated personal points of view, but there's a lot of our story in the lyrics. There's also a lot of other stories in the lyrics. It all depends on how you look at them.

How would you say the EP shows Falling Still develop as band from previous releases?
For the first time, we came into the studio with fully formed songs that we were excited about. We recorded them quickly and moved on. Our earlier recording processes were much more difficult and full of helpful mistakes and experimentation. Now that we've had all that experience, we're much better equipped.

What are your touring plans for the year?
We'll be focusing mainly on writing and playing around in LA. Unfortunately, our van has a gas tank like a fucking casket, and we can't manage to keep that thing full.

What's a Falling Still live show like?
It's kind of like having us scream at you, punch you in the head, and then pick you up and buy you beers all night. You'll go home and your ears might be ringing, and you might have a bit of a headache, but then you realize that you're pleasantly drunk and happy, and you drift into a glorious sleep, dreaming all night about how sexy we were.

What bands influence Falling Still?
Loud, powerful bands with good singers influence us. Keep that shit up!

What do you hope to have achieved by 2014?
We hope to have loads of new songs, new friends and new experiences...bigger families, bigger hearts, and bigger wallets.

If Falling Still was a form of transport, what would it be?
Falling Still is a mode of transport. Our souls have been forged into the well-travelled steel of our 2007 Ford Econoline van. If she ever perishes, so too shall we.

Final words?
Be nice.

Photo credit: TJ Scott 


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