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Interview: Breath Of An Epoch (March 26, 2013)

Hi there Breath Of An Epoch!

Hi there Kelly of The Alternative Tone!

Who are Breath Of An Epoch and how did you get together?

We are a three-piece from Rockford, Illinois and we're all in high school. Jesse (guitar and vocals) and I (TJ - vocals and bass) have been working together (under a different name) since 7th grade (we're juniors now) and 2 years ago we decided to actually make a band. So after experimenting with different members over that time frame, we recorded and released our debut EP the same day our old drummer Brandon left the band (October 4th). Since then, Dan, our triforce of courage, has taken Brandon's place. He rules.

How would you describe your music for the unacquainted?
Our EP doesn't do a very good job in representing our new style. Since Brandon's departure, we've all matured heavily and gained many new influences. Currently, we can be classified as a jazzy, mathy, midwest-y, experimental-y, emo three piece who use music as a method to release the angst that all silly teenagers have.

How did you get your name?

What are you up to at the moment?

Nothing currently due to Jesse's guitar and amp being at the shop.

How was 2012 for you? 

Crazy. We played a show with Citycop at Scheme City (and that was super rad), we launched our venue in Dan's basement (Revival House!) , we released our first EP (which is pretty cool), and Dan joined the crew (which is really exciting because we'll be able to do a lot more show-wise with him!)

Are you writing new material at the moment? Is there any plans for a full length?

Yeah! We have a good amount of songs that not a lot of people have heard. No plans for a full length yet. Though, we are going to record a split with a great friend of ours!

How would you describe your live shows?

Really close and personal with our audience. A lot of crying and yelling to be done by everyone. Basically, our shows have a lot of energy and mood swings. 

What are your plans for 2013?

We expect to finish recording and mastering our split by the end of April, to have a 4-day midwest tour sometime in the summer with our great pals in Roanoke, and to play a lot more shows in general.

If you could tour on any line up, what would it be?

Citycop, Brave Bird, Half Milk, Roanoke. Also, tell Piglet and The Brave Little Abacus to become a band again. They'd be so much fun to play with!

What bands influence you?

Giraffes?Giraffes!, citycop, carson mcwhirter, tera melos, dave brubeck, the brave little abacus... a lot of jazzy, mathy kids.

If Breath Of An Epoch was a comic bo
ok character, what would it be?

Definitely Deadpool.

Final words?

uhh..... BYE.


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