Label Profile
Name: Siste Sukk Records And Tapes
Location: Oslo, Norway
Founded: 2012
Current Roster: Montpelier, Caust, Choirs, Lord Snow, REDD, Youth Pictures Of Florence Henderson, Oswald, iampsyencefiction
Contact Them: Facebook, Official Site, Tumblr
How did Siste Sukk Records And Tapes come about and what's the story so far?
Siste Sukk (Norwegian for "last sigh") came about in February of 2012, and it was a really spur of the moment thing. I used to be involved in a label that my friend started, but releasing vinyl is just such an financial suicide that means that when you are a small operation you can only release stuff fairly seldom. I love the cassette format, first of all because it looks damn sexy, but also because it's not rather inexpensive and quick to produce.
In a little under a year I've done 8 releases, which has been loads of fun.
What are your plans for the label in 2013?
What's important in the bands that you work with? How do you choose bands to work with?
bands (yes, I'm using that term ironically) too.
What's your overall aim for the label?
Sometimes it can feel like a pretty hopless task trying to explain to people why I would even consider releasing cassette tapes. Inferior sound and really inconvenient, right? It seems to me that we've all grown a little too accustomed to the convenience that music supposedly should be these days.I started Siste Sukk as a convulsive attempt at keeping people's interest in the physical and tactile joys of the dead format that is the cassette tape. The most important thing should be to support the bands and the label, so if you haven't got a tape player, go to a garage sale, a thrift shop or search eBay - they're like 3 bucks.
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