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Interview: Party Wounds Records (January 30, 2013)

Name: Party Wound Records Location: Edinburgh, UK
Founded: 2011
Current Roster: Manbearpig, Chapels, NO FUN, Old Gray, My Castle Your Castle, Shonen Bat, Albert Shakespeare, Summo, Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair, I See A Giant, Lake Michigan, Bittermint, Betterment, My Life Swimming With Sharks, XharoldshitsmanX, Beware Wolf, Horrors That You've Seen, Gunfinger
Contact Them: Facebook, Bandcamp. Tumblr

How did Party Wound Records come about and what's the story so far?
Party Wounds started just after I dropped out of uni at UWS when I was 18/19. My main goal was just to help a small Norwich band I really liked; Manbearpig after hearing of them from a forum post by Alfie from Maths who had recorded them, Since then I've put out small releases for bands such as, Manbearpig, Nai Harvest, Cavalcades, My Castle Your Castle and loads of others. As well as releasing bands I also run a digital distro where I promote free downloads for the bands to get some more exposure. My most recent activity is most probably putting on empire! empire! on their tour with The Reptilian (Which was also the MC,YC reunion show). Party Wounds went very quiet around that time do to personal stuff getting in the way of the label, but in the new year I brought the label back and will hopefully get all the unfinished releases from last year out.

What are your plans for the label in 2013?
2013 will see my first vinyl release with NO FUN out in the near future. The Tape Club will have its first releases out after a long delay last year these tapes include Summo (feat Ben from Nai Harvest) and Manbearpig's discography. I'm also currently working on a free compilation with a german blog called Miss The Stars which will be out as soon as I feel I've collected enough songs for it to see a release.
What's important in the bands that you work with? How do you choose bands to work with?
Most importantly I need to like the bands that I put out, so they need to have a sound that works with the labels 'sound'. Other than that I would say just being friendly and able to build a form of friendship/trust with other, which thankfully a lot of people in the scene are which really makes running a label a really nice experience.

What's your overall aim for the label?
Lastly, my aim for Party Wound is to just continue putting out loads of rad bands and just in general be around to help bands that deserve to be heard a chance to be. Hopefully I get a bunch of new releases announced once I get through my current backlog of planned releases. I also aim to put on more shows, with my second being planned for June which will be a birthday emo acoustic show which should be lots of fun with the ideas I have for it. In general I just want to be a better label and get to the same sort of level as CYLS and the like.

Thanks again for asking to interview me.


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