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Future Ghosts No More, Unifier Is The Future.

Future Ghosts have decided to change their name to Unifier following recent difficulties.

Statement from UNIFIER (formerly Greensboro ’s Future Ghosts):

Due to the unfortunate events surrounding the name Future Ghosts in the past week, we have elected to seek out a new name and brand for ourselves. We had originally hoped to come to some sort of understanding in a timely manner that would allow us to retrieve our sites and move forward. However, it became clear to us that there would be no quick or easy resolution, and also seemed apparent that we would not be taken to court over the issue.

Our only focus as a band should be to write, play and release music - goals which this situation was seriously obstructing. All of our plans for the release of the new album were being strained, and we did not want to push the date back any longer. Rather than waste any more time, we began work to find a new name, alter artwork, create new websites, and remove the sour taste from our mouths.

We present to you today a song called "Shadows" from our upcoming full-length COLORADO , along with some footage of us doing the things we love. We felt the theme of the song was somewhat fitting, and hope that you will take advantage of the free download we are offering for it until the album's release. We will also be offering a free download of our EP "Oh, Great City " in it's entirety for the week.

FREE Download of “Shadows”:

In-studio video:

Download our last EP “Oh, Great City ” for FREE all this week at:

Thank you all so much for the support you showed us during this last week. All of the input, whether positive or not, was ultimately appreciated and has brought us to an even more determined place as a band. As a name, Future Ghosts will forever tie us to an unsettling event in our careers, one that we do not wish to be solely known for. It simply does not hold the same personal meaning for us that it once did, so we want to distance ourselves from that relationship and move past it. 

That being said, we have chosen to adopt the new name Unifier. Not only is it a powerful word in and of itself, it has taken on a special meaning to us now as well. Looking past the situation's negative nature at all of the support we received, we see a result which is much more positive than we ever could have hoped for. Unifier pays homage to the new unity of the four of us as a band, as well as what we hope will become a greater unity of our fans and our home state's music scene.

We ask that you continue to bear with us as we wait to hear back from a few of our remaining websites about name and URL changes, which we will of course keep you updated on. Again, thank you all endlessly.


New Sites:


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