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Canadian Wedding Update

Nick Stutsman has posted an update on the upcoming Canadian Wedding record here.

He said:

I’ve been working on this album for a bit. I started it wanting it to be a full band project, writing the songs myself and recording them as more than just me and an acoustic guitar. That didn’t really happen so things are changing again. Maybe, probably, for the better.

#1 - I still have a broken ankle so I haven’t really been playing shows. I probably won’t be walking ‘til February. Shit sucks. But once I’m walking, we’ll be playing some more midwest shows.

#2 - Since these songs didn’t end up being full band, I didn’t want to continue writing the album the way it was going, but also don’t want to just not use these songs. So I’ll be releasing an EP titled “Keep Count” with these songs (dates not totally figured out yet) and then write the album over, which brings us to

#3 - Writing the album with a bunch of people because I feel like it’ll make it a lot better/more what I want. Having my friends’ input and actually writing the songs with a lot of instruments instead of writing on the guitar by myself and trying to add to it I hope will mean a better end product.

#4 - I could’ve just said this in #2 but I sort of wanted it to be its own thing. My good buddy Kehan is awesome and wanted to release the aforementioned EP through his new label “Don’t Live Like Me Records”. ( ) You may know Kehan from his work with Interskramz records which eventually turned into Driftwood records. He is great. The EP is going to be released digitally (on bandcamp) sometime in the next few weeks, with a preorder set up through the label. You will NOT be preordering through me because of obvious reasons (I suck at shipping out mail and I should be sued for that and for sucking in general if we’re being honest) and so Kehan and the label will be who you order through. You will receive your record. I promise. Promise.

So look out for more updates on when preorders/songs are online. 


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