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Interview: State Champs (September 11, 2012)

Hi there, State Champs!
For the record who is State Champs, and how did you get together?
State Champs is a 5 piece pop punk band from based out of the Capital District of New York.  We got together when our bass player Bill approached Tyler at our local Planet Fitness and asked if he wanted to start a band. The rest is history!

How would you describe your music for the unacquainted?
Like dad unacquainted? - "it's like punk music with cleaner vocals."

You've recently put together the Overslept EP . How was the recording process for you? What steps did you take in putting together the release?
The recording process was great. Our engineer, Jay Maas, did an awesome job at bringing out the best in us. Aside from writing and recording everything, we shot the album art with our dude and photographer Mason Garnot ( and our best friend and male model Mark Oliver (@markxoliver) in Jesse's (guitar) backyard. From there, Derek edited it all. We also got to choose two of the vinyl colors. A lot went into it!

What inspired the lyrics on the release? What sort of vibe is on there?
 The lyrics are generally inspired by problems that Derek is dealing, or had to deal with. Shitty girls, hating life, loving life. You know!

How has 2012 been for you?
 2012 has been sweet! We played a ton of sweet shows and met a ton of great people. We went on our first US tour with With The Punches and Forever Came Calling. We can't thank them enough for spending the summer with us and teaching us the ways.  We also recorded the EP in June. Working in a legit studio that has put out records that I play regularly was awesome.

What do you hope to achieve by the end of the year?
Make it to the west coast, go to Canada again, make new friends/fans, write most of our full length.

What bands influence State Champs? Who do you guys listen to?
Aside from all the pop punk scene staples, everyone in State Champs likes 90s alt/emo, rap, and EDM. We listen to far too many bands to list!

If State Champs was a sport, what sport would it be?
Probably hockey or soccer because like hockey and soccer, state champs is endurance sport. A lot of stuff goes wrong and you just have to brush it off and keep pushing.

Final words?
Thank you all so much for supporting us over the past two and a half years. Without you, we'd be nowhere. Check out Overslept and pick up a copy from PURENOISE.MERCHNOW.COM and come out to some shows on the Leaving Forever tour! Keep your eyes to the web for November and December tours!


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