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Interview: I.Corrupt.Records

If you take a look around the site for a long enough, you'll encounter some type of emo/scramz/twinkle daddy band. So, The Alternative Tone has decided to devote some time on focusing on this particular scene, by interviewing and promoting both the bands and labels that bring this wonderful music to you. First label up; I.Corrupt.Records 

Label Profile
Name: I.Corrupt.Records
Location: Wiesbaden, Germany
Founded: 2009
Current Roster:  Actress, Animal Faces, Brighter Arrows, Cassilis, East Of The Wall, Kokomo, Locktender, Men As Trees, Radare, Revival Hymns, Sarg, Single State Of Man
Contact ThemOfficial SiteBandcampFacebook

How did I.Corrupt.Records come about and what's the story so far?
In 2007 I have promoted local show in my hometown (Wiesbaden, Germany), then after some time I became anxious for more, for being more active in the scene. In 2008 I got to know the band Men As Trees and I asked them to tour Europe and if I could book that tour for them. So, in August 2009 they finally toured Europe with the German emo band Single State Of Man. Both bands wanted to do a split 7 inch and I wanted to release the split aswell. That was the birth of my label, kind of. After that I went on releasing records of befriended bands and built up the label.
What are your plans for the label in 2013?
For the first half of 2013 I have a couple of releases planned. I will release the upcoming albums of Kokomo, Locktender and Brighter Arrows. Also there will be a split 7 inch with Canada's Animal Faces and Solids as well as a 3-way split 10" with Cavalcades, Heart On My Sleeve and Coma Regalia. Maybe one more tape release before summer, but that should be everything for the first six months.
In addition to that I am currently booking a European tour for Brighter Arrows and Bonehouse from the UK which will happen in June.
I'm very excited about all that and I hope other people are, too.
What's important in the bands that you work with? How do you choose bands to work with?
Most important is that I like the bands' music but also friendship is a huge point. I would rather release friends' records who's music I like than any other band's music just out of financial reasons.
A good example is Locktender's releases. They used to be Men As Trees, broke up in the end of 2009 and when they re-formed as Locktender in 2011 they asked me to release their records. I immediately said yes without ever hearing a song before, just because of the friendship and the trust between both of us.
What's your overall aim for the label?
The main reason for me running the label (as well as promoting shows and booking tours) is giving support to the bands I like and love. It's actually my main hobby - packing records, getting in touch with bands and other labels, getting to know so many good people who have the same ambitions. This is what keeps the label alive, actually.

Stay tuned for interviews with some I.Corrupt.Records' bands! 


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