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Interview: Tiny Moving Parts (November 25, 2012)

I recently spoke to emo gang, Tiny Moving Parts about their upcoming release, the scene and socks. 

Hi there, Tiny Moving Parts!
For the record, and the unacquainted, who is Tiny Moving Parts? And how did you get together?
Hello! Tiny Moving Parts is a band from the farmlands of Minnesota.  Billy and Matt are brothers, and Dylan is their cousin.  We got our instruments when we were in junior high and have been writing songs ever since.  Back then, we were called The D-Cups.  It was all about punk rock in the early years and slowly evolved what we are now.

How would you describe your sound in three words?
Spastic, sad, happy.

What are you up to at the moment?
We have a split coming out with Northwestern coming out real soon and just finished a full length.  The full length will be out sometime in January before we embark on our 6 week national tour, our longest one yet.

What can we expect from your upcoming full length?
It will actually be legit for once.  Real vinyl and cds! no more burnt discs with permanent marker on them.  Definitely our most thought out and mature music yet.

How has the songwriting/recording process been? 
We wrote the album over the last 6 months in big spurts whenever all of us could find time to get together around our work schedules.  We demoed lots of songs this time around, and that helped us hear weak parts and change them.

How do you see yourselves developing as a band? Can you foresee any drastic changes in your sound or are you going to expand upon your current sound?
I'd say our new album flows better and is overall just written better than our past releases.  We feel this is the case with every release we put out and hopefully we can just continue to grow as a band together.  I don't see any "drastic" changes, but we do love plot twists ;)

What's your favourite thing about touring?
Nothing beats a hot basement packed with sweaty bodies, but honestly, every minute of it is great!  We love the shows and have so much fun in between all of them.  Partying with our new friends from shows, swimming/bathing  in lakes/oceans/pools, climbing mountains, and sight seeing are some of our favorite pass times. 

How are you looking forward to the upcoming tour? What can fans expect from the shows?
This is going to be our longest tour yet, which means it will be our most fun one too!  I'm super excited about going all the way around America.  We tried to hit up every city we could. Expect a lot of our new songs!

How do you relate to music at the moment? What are your opinions on the emo/post-hardcore scene at the moment? What bands do you recommend?
The scene is blooming right now.  More and more great bands are popping up everywhere.  Our best buddies for up here, Victor Shores, just released an ep that'll put you in a good mood. We have a split coming out with our awesome buddies Northwestern! Alta, and 10 Paces, Fire are great bands from Milwaukee.

If Tiny Moving Parts was an item of clothing, what would it be?
A new pair of socks, because it's always nice to have.

Final words?
Great things to come for early 2013!!! 

Check Tiny Moving Parts out on Facebook
Get their music from Bandcamp


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